Why Just Three Quotes Can Make You Think Differently

Photo by Ashley Light on Unsplash

Why Just Three Quotes Can Make You Think Differently

Here’s the problem. For most of us over sixty-five years of age, we have listened to more negative than positive words. News reported on TV, Radio, newspapers and the internet is the bad stuff that has happened or is going to happen soon.

So, what’s the way out of this negative soup?

In order to relish living above this negative centered world, we must think differently. It begins with a thinking brain and the use of a few great quotes.

The three quotes I write about prodded me to search what dominates a person’s thought processes.

I zeroed down to one word to guide me through this year. The word is, THINK.

The word, think is more than thinking before you speak or think before you act, no much deeper. To have clarity of thought you must realize only you get to choose what takes up residence in your brain.

For centuries people have written of this word.

  • Rene Descartes said in the early sixteen hundreds; “I think; therefore I am.”
  • Long before Descartes, King Solomon wrote, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…” Proverbs 23:7. Solomon directed this thought to a person’s actions which would spring from what was in his heart.
  • What we focus on becomes us.
  • My focus word; ‘THINK’ dives deep into my understanding of who I am.
  • You have a greater chance of success this year when you examine your thoughts.

From my treasure trove of quotes, three provided the push needed to focus on this word.

Restructuring your thought-life brings a freshness to the outlook on your life.

1. What do you need to push you into a positive thought-life?

The word for this year is; THINK which zeros into the realization bad, destructive thoughts will course through our brains. But, positive life-affirming thoughts are dancing through our minds as well. Which will you allow to capture your attention and cause you to act? You are faced with a choice. This quote captures our dilemma, warning us to be careful of which thought rules our attention span.

“Two natures beat within my breast. The one is foul. The one is blessed. The one I love, the one I hate. The one I feed will dominate. — Anonymous”

2. Your mindset will determine your outlook on life.

What is your rock-solid attitude towards life? This is an area where your thinking lives! Mindset is your decision-making tool, which becomes automatic in most people before they even give thought to what was said or the action taken. Your mindset to a large degree is determined by your family of origin, the education you received, the friends you keep.

Check out what Anthony Moore writes about how our thinking can keep us out of the race.

Isn’t it time, you determine what your attitude toward the outside world will be?

  • After all, we each live our lives separately but not alone.

Time spent today on dusting off the negativity of a preset mindset and becoming your own person will be time well spent. But it will send you back to the word; THINK.

I always say that people who are highly successful generally owe that success to their mindset. Conversely, people generally not successful are also that way because of a mindset. Dr. Ben Carson

3. Voicing your beliefs in an understandable way to others builds a structure to your mindset.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

It is not until the house is framed do we see the profile of the building. How do you want the frame of your mindset to be displayed to the world? Have you given thought to think deep into what and why you believe what you hold in your heart and mind?

Oswald Chambers prodded me to think about the framework of my belief system. It’s so easy to ‘go with the flow’ or to believe, ‘whatever will be, will be’. Why not begin today to build a framework to enhance your profile to others. One in which you will be secure.

Always make it a practice to stir your own mind thoroughly to think through what you have easily believed. Oswald Chambers in My Utmost For His Highest; Dec. 15th devotion.

I began with the problem of overcoming the world’s negative mindset. Here’s the solution.

To THINK means:

  1. A choice. You and only you get to choose the thoughts you will feed.
  2. A mindset. Your attitude will determine the direction you go in life.
  3. A structure. The mental framework you build determines your profile.
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Thank you for reading,


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