Three secrets to keeping hope alive


Three Secrets to keeping hope alive

Why is having hope so crucial to a healthy outlook on life?

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Three secrets to keeping hope alive in my life are in my concluding eleven statements for a better life. These eleven statements I wrote several years ago to refocus my energies towards a better life for myself. Having an optimistic outlook on life requires us to invest in hope. Have you lost all expectation for a better tomorrow in your life?

I am an optimist by nature. Even though optimism is natural to me, I must hone it to a sharper edge to guide my steps.

My last three statements of the eleven contain the three secrets to keeping hope alive in me.

9.  Aspire to reach beyond what I think of as unreachable. Hope directs my ambition toward achieving something initially thought not possible. My aspirations have played out exceptionally in my life. Fran, my wife, and I have taught the word of God in over 14 nations of the world. We kept hope alive, and the improbable became a reality!

“Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp~or what’s a heaven for?” Robert Browning.

10. Achieve a secure and firm foundation in what I believe and know why I think my belief is real.  A daily Bible reading and prayer time will help me in making and keeping my belief system unshakable.

“The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense.” – Thomas Edison

11.  Arrest my fears, subjugating my anxieties to the belief that God is more significant than all the complexities of life. Anxiety captured me with fear when I walked to the podium in India to present Bible truth to the assembled students. But the tension drained from me when I reminded myself that God had not given me a spirit of fear but of a sound mind to deliver my lesson on the first day of classes. Wow, God is good.

“The last of all human freedoms is the ability to choose one’s own attitude in any set of circumstances.” – Victor Frankl, Nazi Concentration Camp Survivor

Why is having hope so crucial to a healthy outlook on life? Here is why.

These three statements, 9, 10 and 11 have guided me to experiences beyond my expectations.

I’ll quickly explain, just keep reading.

Hope is, the expectation of something good happening in our life. In this life, without good health, we are sick; lacking money, we are broke; no friends, we are lonely; but without hope, we’rd done. Keeping hope alive in us brightens even the dreariest of days.

We read in Proverbs 13:12; Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life. When we keep putting off reaching for something hoped for, it leads to heartbreak.

Here is the good news, when we reach beyond our present abilities it leads to fulfillment! 

To those having a personal relationship with Jesus, it gets even better.

“And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.” Romans 5:5

“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.”– Albert Einstein

I suppose we are all wise enough to make changes, am I correct on that?

Are you ready to build hope? Use my three secrets to keeping hope alive to guide you to unexpected heights in your life.

Thank you for reading. Leave a comment; I want to hear from you with observations, questions, and insights.

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6 Replies to “Three secrets to keeping hope alive”

  1. Praise God! It is good to hear from you Richard! Great things, and so good you are back extolling the Lord! I forward to seeing your blog and I will defiitely send it to others.

  2. Love this Pastor Richard! Will certainly let others know! Many blessings to you and Fran!

  3. Richard, I appreciate the content on your website. I’ve just begun looking around. The title to this article captured my attention. So, here I am. I’m glad that this is where I landed.

    Your experience with public speaking and the initial fear that you felt…isn’t it wonderful how the Lord’s word works to wash away fear and anxiety? I’m so glad that you experienced an instant victory when you remembered that God hasn’t given you a spirit of fear, and that you shared your victory with us. Your victory is inspirational.

    Hope…it’s so needed in today’s society. I’ll do my part to remain in hope, which is an anchor for the soul, and to inspire hope in others.

    Thank you for all that you’re doing to encourage, inspire and instruct.
    God bless you,

    1. Thank you, Pamala. Yes God cares about us today. He is an ever-present help in all of our troubles. Hope you hit the subscribe button and received my free 2-page downloadable pdf. Again thanks. Richard

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