The Shocking Workday Calamity

The Shocking Workday Calamity

georgia-de-Lotz – Unsplash

“What Have You Done?”

The shocking workday calamity did not have to happen. These workers had been given the assignment to work in a specific area. Something outside their work area attracted them. Thereupon, the shocking workday calamity hit the downward spiral changing their world forever!

Here it is in Genesis chapter three, verse thirteen:

Then the Lord God asked the woman, “What have you done?” “The serpent deceived me,” she replied. “That’s why I ate it.” (my emphasis)

Working in an unauthorized, off-limits area, they ate the forbidden fruit giving birth to the chaos of sin.

“What have you done?” God asks this question to Eve and Adam.

This examination question is as relevant today as it was at the beginning of time.

The original questions God asked records how sin entered humanity. God’s first question; “where are you?” deals with our emotions. His second question; “who told you?” deals with our reasoning ability. The third question, “What have you done?” points to our will. These three soul issues, which are; our emotions, our intellect, and our will guide us through our day to day routines of life.

The shocking workday calamity happens with disastrous results when we take our eyes off our usual ‘work’ assignments.

These three questions are fundamental to me today. The questions form the basis of my walk with the Lord and interactions I have with family and friends. Where am I?, who am I listening to?, and what am I doing?

Three simple questions.

The simple, straight-forward questions are the hardest to answer.

So, what should I do to answer these questions?

  • Repent to God of my sin and ask forgiveness of my family and friends for wrongs done to them.
  • Respect the boundaries God has positioned for me to live my life.
  • Reach for new opportunities to grow in knowledge and wisdom.

Realizing what you have done in your past, what will you do to change your tomorrows? It is in the power of your will.

“Technique and ability alone do not get you to the top—it is the willpower to that, is the most important. This will power rises from your heart.” – Junko Tabei (First woman on Mt. Everest)

God stands before you, asking what you have done? It is not a question of condemnation but opportunity. Today is the day for a new direction in your life. The right to acknowledge your missteps and chart a different course. You can make the changes necessary; I know you can because you are a good person.

Gabriel-Sanchez –                  Unsplash

Believe me: The sun will rise again and you will follow a new path. 

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