Answer this question honestly

I’ve often thought about this one question.

I need to answer this question honestly. My answers to this inquiry have helped to guide my life. When I take time to ponder this question seriously, the answers I come up with keep me on track to living a fulfilled life.

So, what is the question?

I’ll take you back to the beginning of time in the Bible to find this question.
Here it is in Genesis chapter three and verse nine. “Then the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” (NLT)

“Where are you?” is the first recorded question God asked humankind.

It indeed was not a geographical inquiry by God.

The issue was soul-searching.
People do stupid things when they do not know where they are at in the present moment. When God appeared in the garden, Adam and Eve hid behind a tree. Hence the ‘tree hugger’ movement had begun! They were avoiding the question God had asked. When we answer this question honestly, we spy our actual reality of where we are at this moment in time.

Three choices.

It is surprising to me that many people continue to go on their merry way disregarding their reality.
People choose one of three ways when this question is asked of them; “where are you? Many do not answer this question honestly. In fact, some don’t even give an answer. Instead, people do this:
1. Ignore the issue by getting busy doing trivial things. Such as hiding behind trees.
2. Object to the person for asking such a personal question. They choose to shoot the messenger rather than considering the message.
3. The wise ones ponder the reality as it is at this time in their life. Honestly forming a soul-searching response to the ‘where are you’ which leads to fulfillment.

God spoke the question at the beginning of time, it still resonates down through the centuries to this very day; “where are you?”

luke-Ellis-craven – Unsplash
To answer this question honestly, I need to take a reality checkup.

1. Spiritually is my experience on right standing with God?

2. Are my relationships with other people thriving and positive?

3. Am I using my resources wisely?

Summing this up; where am I at spiritually, physically, financially, socially and morally?

“The word ‘question’ originates from the Latin root, quaestio, which means ‘to seek.’ Inside the word, ‘question’ is the word ‘quest,’ suggesting that within every question is an adventure, a pursuit which can lead us to hidden treasure.” – Tom Wujec

So, God stands before you today; He poses the question; “Where are you? Will you ignore, object, or ponder this inquiry He raises? Or, are you still ‘hiding behind trees?

“Everyone who got where he is has had to begin where he was.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

The second aspect of this first question God asked is incredible! Think about it for a moment. God comes to humanity; His reach is toward us. God approaching us sets the whole narrative of the Bible apart from other religions.

Answer this question honestly, and you live a more abundant life.

I’d like to see your comments. Give your insight on this post. Did it cause you to think, where you are today? Did I miss something? Let me know. Use the comment box to write your notes. If you deem this post worthy of reading, please post it on your social pages.
Thank you,
Richard Armstrong

Woods picture by Valerity Andrnshko – Unsplash

Ready, Set, Go in twenty-eighteen

Ready, Set, Go in Twenty-eighteen

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Are you ready for the new year? Have you set your sights on improvement in specific areas? Will you go into this new year with renewed vigor.” Twenty-eighteen is now! What will you do differently in twenty-eighteen?

I know what you’re thinking.

Twenty-eighteen is going to be the year, right! We will make positive choices. Success will be ours. Things will improve.

But how will this happen?

Let me break this down for you. These three words just might be the springboard for a better reality this year.

Ready – Set -Go

Read on to pick up insights on how these three words can make the difference you desire to make in twenty-eighteen.

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  1. Ready. Being prepared is the first item for success.

Let me tell you a little story from my childhood. On school mornings at the break of dawn, I’d throw back the covers, run down the steps to the kitchen for breakfast. My mother would say; “go ‘red-up’ your room, then you can have breakfast”. (‘Red-up’ is a local saying here in Lancaster County, meaning, make your bed, tidy up your room.), You see, some things have to be finished before we go forward. Here’s the point.  Unfinished “business” lingering from 2017 should be put in good order.

  1. Set. Here’s the scoop. Your priorities need to be set when planning for a successful year. What is the most important item for you to accomplish this year? Set your prime concern to be honest in all your dealings, to be faithful to God, your spouse, your friends and to work each day as you would for the improvement. These are essential issues to set you on attaining new highs for 2018.

    Have you ever experienced a defining moment in your life? Well, I did.

I’ll give you one personal insight on when I set my priorities straight. February 1968, this was at my lowest point in my life. My thought on that day was, I had lost everything that mattered to me. There I stood by my mother’s grave, not to talk to her but to God. I chose to follow God where He wanted me to go. The place of the dead became my turning point for a gratifying life.

  1. Go. Are you sure the past is past! Does your history keep nagging you, holding you in its clutches? 

Keep reading because I have great news for you.

The Apostle Paul put it this way in the book of Philippians:

“…but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach…”

Read on for the crucial part of your ‘GO.’ 

 One thing we all have is our ‘past.’

The apostle Paul didn’t let his past dictate his present nor his future. Obliviously, Paul did not forget what he was in the past because he wrote to us about it. BUT, he put the past behind him and saw a better future ahead of him.

In my personal story, I told you how I committed to God, did I always do the right thing? Of course not, many times I failed. When I did, I confessed my wrong and moved on.

Here’s the excellent news.

The past is not a prophet! It is only a teacher.

We learn from our past while releasing its grip on the present. Your history is the one thing you cannot change, let it go. You hold in your grasp this day, take it and press on to a brighter future.

Happy New Year

READY, SET, GO!  This will be the most incredible year, 2018!

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