Answer this question honestly

I’ve often thought about this one question.

I need to answer this question honestly. My answers to this inquiry have helped to guide my life. When I take time to ponder this question seriously, the answers I come up with keep me on track to living a fulfilled life.

So, what is the question?

I’ll take you back to the beginning of time in the Bible to find this question.
Here it is in Genesis chapter three and verse nine. “Then the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” (NLT)

“Where are you?” is the first recorded question God asked humankind.

It indeed was not a geographical inquiry by God.

The issue was soul-searching.
People do stupid things when they do not know where they are at in the present moment. When God appeared in the garden, Adam and Eve hid behind a tree. Hence the ‘tree hugger’ movement had begun! They were avoiding the question God had asked. When we answer this question honestly, we spy our actual reality of where we are at this moment in time.

Three choices.

It is surprising to me that many people continue to go on their merry way disregarding their reality.
People choose one of three ways when this question is asked of them; “where are you? Many do not answer this question honestly. In fact, some don’t even give an answer. Instead, people do this:
1. Ignore the issue by getting busy doing trivial things. Such as hiding behind trees.
2. Object to the person for asking such a personal question. They choose to shoot the messenger rather than considering the message.
3. The wise ones ponder the reality as it is at this time in their life. Honestly forming a soul-searching response to the ‘where are you’ which leads to fulfillment.

God spoke the question at the beginning of time, it still resonates down through the centuries to this very day; “where are you?”

luke-Ellis-craven – Unsplash
To answer this question honestly, I need to take a reality checkup.

1. Spiritually is my experience on right standing with God?

2. Are my relationships with other people thriving and positive?

3. Am I using my resources wisely?

Summing this up; where am I at spiritually, physically, financially, socially and morally?

“The word ‘question’ originates from the Latin root, quaestio, which means ‘to seek.’ Inside the word, ‘question’ is the word ‘quest,’ suggesting that within every question is an adventure, a pursuit which can lead us to hidden treasure.” – Tom Wujec

So, God stands before you today; He poses the question; “Where are you? Will you ignore, object, or ponder this inquiry He raises? Or, are you still ‘hiding behind trees?

“Everyone who got where he is has had to begin where he was.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

The second aspect of this first question God asked is incredible! Think about it for a moment. God comes to humanity; His reach is toward us. God approaching us sets the whole narrative of the Bible apart from other religions.

Answer this question honestly, and you live a more abundant life.

I’d like to see your comments. Give your insight on this post. Did it cause you to think, where you are today? Did I miss something? Let me know. Use the comment box to write your notes. If you deem this post worthy of reading, please post it on your social pages.
Thank you,
Richard Armstrong

Woods picture by Valerity Andrnshko – Unsplash

My Five Words of Gratitude

My five words of gratitude

I am happy to express my gratitude for at least five things which I enjoy. 

  1. Thankfulness for my acceptance by God by voicing with my mouth and acknowledging in my heart that Jesus is God’s Son.
  2. Thankful for my wife, Fran. She is trustworthy, faithful, loving and kind and is my best friend.
  3. I am thankful for every one of our five adult children; they consistently display in many ways their love and concern for me.
  4. The enjoyment I receive in watching our grandchildren succeed in all there endeavors. I am so thankful for each of them.
  5. I am deeply indebted to technology; hearing aids allow me to hear and converse with others, I am deaf without them. Technology is my friend and I am grateful!

“I shall hear in Heaven.” – Ludwig Von Beethoven (He lived before technology’s marvels.) I’m doubly grateful!!

“The more you express gratitude for what you have the more you will have to express gratitude for.“ – Zig Ziglar

What is required of me to live a life of gratitude?  

  • I must pursue daily routines with intentionality.
  • It demands my effort!
  • It requires a certain sense of humility on my part.
  • Gratitude necessitates awareness of what people and situations mean to me.
  • Thankfulness calls for an openness towards acceptance of others instead of close-mindedness.
  • A mindfulness of what I do already have, instead of coveting what I do not have.
“Do not indulge in dreams of having what you have not, but reckon up the chief of the blessings you do possess, and then thankfully remember how you would crave for them if they were not yours.”–Marcus Aurelius

  Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name! Psalms 100:4 (ESV)

Saying, ‘thank you’, should be a constant in interacting with family, friends, and others. Yes, saying these two words out loud with sincerity will be rewarded with smiles of affirmation. This requires an acknowledgement of what the other person desires to hear from us. This skill can be learned and should be put into practice first at home, with our spouse and family. Culivate and nuture the art of gratitude and see the difference it makes in our lives.

  • What are you thankful for?
  • How are you showing gratitude towards those in your spear of influence?
  • How have you expressed gratefulness for the possessions you already own?

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God bless you.


Pictures by: Unsplash; Turkeys- Mikkel Bergmann / Autumn road-Lukas H

Is your life defined by what you do?

Is your life defined by what you do?

The thin line between who we are and what we do.

Harry* and I worked side by side for over 15 years, and then the factory closed sending us into the world of unemployment. Years later I met Harry while waiting in my eye doctor’s office. He was still distraught about the factory closing. We talked about the years working side-by-side until my appointment, I never saw him again. Months later I read that he had taken his own life. Of course, there could be other circumstances surrounding his tragic choice, but his loss of a job had demoralized him. Could it be that what he did was more important to him than who he was? (*not his real name)

“If you are what you do when you don’t, you aren’t.” William J. Byron in Finding Work Without Losing Heart.

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Are you defined by what you do, or defined by the person you are? 

Do not buy into the idea that what you do is of greater importance than who you are!

When I think of these two people my mind focuses more on who they are than on what they did:

Mother Teresa – She exhibited a heart of compassion.

Billie Graham – He defines integrity.

When I’m in a social gathering, I notice that when men initially meet each other the first question after getting each other’s names is; “what do you do for a living?” After that is defined, men can go on to favorite sport’s teams, politics, who they know, then maybe one will venture to ask; how’s your family?” Men peg each other first by what they do.

The question remains, not how do others define you but how do you view yourself?

We define ourselves more by our ‘NO’ than by our ‘YES’ in life.

In describing the life, you want to live, to what have you already said no?

I have said no to drinking acholic beverages, no to watching pornography, no to spending money foolishly, and a list of other things. In making these decisions, I have provided a boundary around my lifestyle giving me complete freedom to live a happy, fulfilled life.

It defines who I am to myself. I have peace of mind by saying no to a few things rather than yes to anything.

“A man’s heart is what he is.” R. B. Kuiper
“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he…” Proverbs 23:7a

Some retirees have the problem since no longer what they do matters much. Don’t let that be you.

Whatever age you may be, you can define yourself by being the person you attain to be. Not what others think of you.

Being thankful for ‘who’ I am.


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(header image by; Unsplash – Mohammad Alizade)

What three issues I deal with in retirement?

Addressing three issues, I deal with in my retirement years.

First off, I look at my life as a  book of having many chapters. When I finish one chapter of a book, I do not throw the book away, no, I turn the page revealing a new episode. So it is in life. Previous chapters record my history. A new chapter opens for me to experience. My life book purposely omits an index, and yours also does. I can address my past and current life’s successes and failures but it is not possible to index future events which will complete my life’s book.

Here are 3, of the many, issues I’m addressing in retirement.

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Number one: Reality!

Am I secure in my present state? Do I have an ongoing internal discussion with myself as to a personal truth? When I survey my Christian faith, is it vibrant? Is my physical body in the best of health? Am I satisfied with the state of my relationships, with my spouse, my children, my siblings and my friends? If I do not face my reality, it will slam me in my face someday.

John Townsend, in his book, ‘Leadership Beyond Reason,’  makes this statement:

“Reality happens, and it always wins.”  

Consider this;

Face reality as it is, not as you, [I], wish it to be.” Peter Koestenbaum

Number two: Recognition!

I’m not talking about me gaining recognition.

Am I living with a sense of unending gratitude for what I have and for those who have poured into my life?

Does my behavior exhibit a genuine sense of gratitude?

Do I work on being a kind person?

I want to recognize the successes of others and grieve with their losses equally.  

“The more you express gratitude for what you have the more you will have to express gratitude for.“  – Zig Ziglar

Number three: Respect!

Am I worthy of the respect given me?

Lately, what have I done that is deserving of respect?

Do I willingly offer verbal admiration to family members and friends for their achievements? 

I’m sure I can give more ‘pats on the back’ for jobs well done.

The light in my soul shines brightest when I’m fully engaged in the present.

When I take the time to consider these three, then my steps are made secure.

  1. reality
  2. recognition 
  3. respect 


Do you need more wisdom for your journey into and through retirement? Remembering these scriptures will help.

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. (James 1:5 NLT)

He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest. He is a shield to those who walk with integrity. (Proverbs 2:7 NLT)

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Thanks, Richard