I Want To Make A Change For The Better

Everything Has Its Time 

To everything, there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1

My blog name, (Domain name), was wheelsaroundtown.com, which was a misnomer. The wheels name was inaccurate since I no longer drive for Uber nor Lyft. 

I Want To Make A Change For The Better

A more accurate Domain name is richard-armstrong.com. So I have deleted the ‘wheels’ name and made the change to richard-armstrong.com. So my posts will take a different path.


The reason for this change.

1. My post articles concern the choices we make in life. Why we choose to make the decisions we make. What affects our choices have on our present situation and the future we will live. Most of my post will have a scripture relevance guiding the decisions we make. As you can see my post has nothing to do with wheels.

2. I have been writing on Medium at;  https://medium.com/@rich_53302

Now Word Press will sync my writings on Medium to this website.  The articles I write on WP will sync with Medium. This has opened a whole new avenue for my words. 

My choice is for the change to be smooth and without error. But we will see.

From this point on you will be directed to richard-armstrong.com for my writings. It continues to be a ‘work in progress’ therefore more changes will be made to my site.

Thank you for signing up to receive my blog posts. If you have any comments or suggestions please reply to me on this webpage. 

