The Discipline of Thanksgiving

The Discipline of Thanksgiving

“The Pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts…nevertheless, [they] set aside a day of thanksgiving.” H.U. Westermayer

“Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving.” Psalm 92:2

Grateful people practice the discipline of Thanksgiving at all times.

Grateful people live happier and fulfilled lives. Also, studies are suggesting that those who express thankfulness actually live longer! One thing for sure, I’d rather spend a day with a thankful person than with one full of complaints. Wouldn’t you? For some people, it comes easy, but for others, it seems quite difficult to utter the words; “Thank you.” This becomes an issue of disciplining the soul to live a life of thankfulness.

The man who survived the Holocaust.

Viktor Frankl who survived many years of Nazi imprisonment saw the internal will of men. Every one of his family members, except his sister, died while imprisoned.

Viktor’s book; ‘Man’s Search For Meaning,’ he writes, in the most awful of conditions with no hope of escape. A person’s reactions mentally and spiritually decided their fate. The enemy can strip one of his home, his family and friends. But it is what lives in the soul that determines one’s response to adversity.

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

It is reasonable to give thanks.

A reasonable person digs much more in-depth, to his very soul. There are the innermost parts, where no one can see, he builds the disciplines of thanksgiving.

What lives in the soul sustained the Pilgrims for each time they buried one of their own. They lifted eyes to heaven and gave God thanks for what remained.

Viktor Frankl wrote of men who had disciplined themselves to live out what was in their soul. Giving their last piece of bread to prisoners close to death.

“Keep your heart with all diligence,” writes Solomon, “For out of it springs the issues of life.”

Discipline the soul to be thankful. When others grumble, we offer thanks. When hearing complaints, we respond with gracious, positive words.

In the face of adversity, we give thanks that Jesus has promised to never leave nor forsake us.

Lead by our example.

We lead more by example lived than by the words we speak. Strengthen the discipline of thankfulness to a higher measure in our soul.

In the USA we celebrate a day of Thanksgiving this month. November is an excellent time to increase a thankful attitude within our very souls.

I am thankful.

Read “My five words of gratitude”, here.

Enjoy this season of Thanksgiving by building a thankful attitude all year long.

Thanks for reading. Enjoy the holiday.


Good News About Sin; Seven Statements

The Good News About Sin; Seven Statements


The good news about sin; seven statements. God, Himself makes at least seven statements about confessed sin. The evidence is certain as you will see in this post.

But first, let’s talk about sin.

How long has it been since you heard anybody call sin, sin?

Sin is not a forgotten word; it’s an avoided word. The word, sin, is short and very direct. In the effort to be an all-inclusive society we avoid using this word. In so doing we trade the acceptance of others without the regard of eternal consequences.

We must never project the issue of sin onto others. First, it is necessary to take a very long hard look inward at ourselves. Our look inward is where everything we do in life begins. Jesus made these remarks about this subject. “You wash the cup and the dish on the outside but the inside of your cup is filthy!” (My paraphrase of Matthew 23:25). So, cleaning the inside of our cup is paramount.

How does God deal with our ‘confessed’ Sin?

The problem for some Christians is guilt.

Worry about God holding past confessed sin against them.

Worry no more. God deals with confessed sin.

Read on for God’s solution.

Here is the good news, sin is not a disease needing treatment. No, it requires repentance which brings God’s forgiveness.

Wow, Good news indeed!

King David in the Psalms 32:5 faced the issue of sin by confessing his sin.

Finally, I confessed all my sins to you and stopped trying to hide my guilt. I said to myself, “I will confess my rebellion to the Lord.” And you forgave me! All my guilt is gone. Psalm 32:5

Reality is to acknowledge and define what is displeasing to God. I call this, “Self-Confrontation.” This is the process of finally admitting to God what He already knows! Iniquity, transgression; we don’t use these words too often in regular conversations. But it is time we use them in a discussion with ourselves.

Continue reading to understand the GOOD NEWS about SIN.

Seven statements God makes about confessed sin.

These verses and comments will bring rest and assurance about God’s love for believers in Christ.

Release the ties of guilt and shame. Refresh, renew and restore your peace in God’s amazing forgiveness statements.

Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

1. I John 1:9 -We confess it -He forgives it -And cleanses us

But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness. I John 1:9

2. Micah 7:18–20 -He pardons us -Forgives -Casts our sins into the depths of the sea.

Where is another God like you, who pardons the guilt of the remnant, overlooking the sins of his special people? You will not stay angry with your people forever, because you delight in showing unfailing love. Once again you will have compassion on us. You will trample our sins under your feet and throw them into the depths of the ocean! Micah 7: 18–20

3. Isaiah 43:25 -Blots out our transgressions -Remembers our sin no more.

“I — yes, I alone [God], — will blot out your sins for my own sake and will never think of them again. Isaiah 43:25

Continue reading for more GOOD NEWS about confessed sin.

4. Jeremiah 31:34 -Forgives our wickedness -Never again remembers our sin.

“…And I will forgive their wickedness, and I will never again remember their sins.” Jeremiah 31:34b

5. Psalms 103:10–12 -God does not treat us as our sin deserves. He does not repay us according to our iniquities. His love for us is higher than the heavens. God removes our sin as far as the East is from the West

He does not punish us for all our sins; he does not deal harshly with us, as we deserve. For his unfailing love toward those who fear him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth. He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west. Psalms 103: 10–12

6. Romans 4:7,8 -The transgressions made He forgives them. Our sins, He blanked out with His covers. The Lord will never count confessed sin against us.

“Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sins are put out of sight. Yes, what joy for those whose record the Lord has cleared of sin.” Romans 4: 7–8

7. II Corinthians 5:19 “…not counting men’s sin against them.”

For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. II Corinthians 5:19

The case against your confessed sin is irrefutable, (beyond questioning). God forgives and obliterates the sin you confess to Him. You are given a clean slate.

The conclusion about my confessed sin is to heed to the Apostle Paul’s admonition. Confess my sin, cast it at the foot of the cross, walk away free from the devils taunts about my past.

Ephesians 5:1 -We’re to imitate God. Treat CONFESSED sin as God does. Ask for forgiveness and forget!

Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Ephesians 5:1

Click here to read Ten Mindful Quotes For A Positive Lifestyle

Has this brief discussion on confessed sin helped you in any way? Let me know.

I welcome your comments and insights on this subject.

Thank you for reading.


What To Do When Confronted By Chaos

His face was red with rage. Flinging his arms around, stomping his feet, yelling right past me deep into what had happened to him. I stood firm, knowing his anger was not at me. What would bring order out of this CHAOS that clutched him in a vortex of defeat? How could I speak life into the midst of chaos?

There was no form to his reasoning. His reasoning skills had left him a long time ago. His words had no shape, spewing words of hate as though he was the victim. The louder his words, the more he convinced himself that he was right and she was wrong. For the better part of an hour, he ranted and raged. Not hard for me to keep silent since words were spewing out of his mouth crashing into one another at a furious clip. I stood still, but my mind was racing through ways to calm his blaze of hate towards his wife.

God waited, I waited.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said,… Genesis 1:1–3a.

When the earth was without ‘form and void’ the Spirit of God ‘hovered’ over the waters. No one knows how long He ‘hovered,’ suspended, waiting to make a move. I’m a fixer making corrections as I move forward. Not easy for me since I have the answer. Since I was in this tank of swirling anger and hate what was I to do?

God waited, I waited.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said,… Genesis 1:1–3a.

When the earth was without ‘form and void’ the Spirit of God ‘hovered’ over the waters. No one knows how long He ‘hovered,’ suspended, waiting to make a move. I’m a fixer making corrections as I move forward. Not easy for me since I have the answer. Since I was in this tank of swirling anger and hate what was I to do?

“Then God said…”

God speaks at the correct moment; we should do the same.

Years have passed since this incident. I remember the first words I spoke to this broken man.

It was a question.

“What are you prepared to do about it?” I asked.

“I don’t know, it’s not right”, he protested.

When you are in the protesting mode, nothing is it’s. Only negativity reigns. Criticism and pessimism close the door to opportunity.

I thought it time to give some advice.

In the calmest voice I could muster, I suggested,

“You should call her and say, you are sorry for the hurt you caused her.”

“That’s ridiculous! She is the guilty one, not me.” he replied.

“person behind mesh fence” by Mitch Lensink on Unsplash

He remains stuck in his bubble of self-destruction to this day.

“People who fight fire with fire usually end up with ashes.”
– Abigail Van Buren

I was not able to break through his cynical outlook on life. That day holds one of my biggest disappointments.

Though I was not able to help this man I did learn some valuable lessons.

What lessons did I learn?

  1. Wait before speaking.
  2. Listen to understand.
  3. When it is time to speak, begin with a question.

The question is important. It defines the turf we are on. Am I on common ground with this person or are we worlds apart?

What is your suggestion for resolving conflict?

How do you bring structure out of chaos?

How do you move past the disappointment of not helping someone?

Thanks for reading,

4 Favorite Quotes To Make Your Day Better.


We desire the world to change for the better but not everyone is willing to change themselves. Quotes help us make the change with bite-sized phrases.

Quotes distill the wisdom of writers and speakers and yes, thinkers. Quotes open our minds to think deeply about what is being said or written. Quotes though brief kick the brain into overdrive. They ruffle the feathers of our belief system. I’m a collector of quotes. I have 4 listed below; each has given me pause to consider what the person had on his/her mind when spoken.

The 4

The Drift

1. “No one drifts towards holiness.” Pastor David Jeremiah

I heard Pastor Jeremiah say this phase in a sermon. I do not remember the sermon but this one phase made an indelible mark on my conscience. To be righteous we must pursue with conviction what is right with intentionality. Okay, you are not religious so you think this quote does not apply to you. Suppose I substitute instead of ‘holiness’ these words, financial security, a great marriage. Or how about, building solid friendships? You get the picture, drifting never draws us closer to what we desire to have. When you desire to become a better person. Desire greater financial assets. Build a loving marriage relationship and great friendships a change must take place. This will mean for you to STOP THE DRIFT. Infusing your lifestyle with a vigorous pursuit of intentionality toward your goal.

Living In A Wonderful World

2. “The more you express gratitude for what you have the more you will have to express gratitude for.“ — Zig Ziglar

Those of us living in the United States of America and Western Europe, have greater freedom than many people living today. We have more physical assets. Most of us have bigger incomes, more food, and entertainment options of those living in less prospering nations.

Begin the day by expressing gratitude for what you do have, this will breathe wellness into your soul.

Thankfulness does invigorate our minds. It wakes hope in us and instills a sense of goodness into our day.

You will find yourself smiling more as you go through the day and your smile will draw people to you. Louis Armstrong sang it best in this song, What A Wonderful World.

Put some of these song lyrics to the test and see how much better your day will become. Nurture your attitude of gratitude today.

Its Our Choice

3. “There is a choice you have to make in everything you do. So keep in mind that in the end, the choice you make makes you.”- John Wooden

I cannot emphasize this mantra for my blog post enough; ‘Choices Made, Make Us”. The quote by John Wooden opened my understanding of how my choices affects my life going forward. We are the sum total of our choices which we make over time. The small choices set the course for our later life. I heard a speaker say; “show me how you spend your evenings. Open your checkbook register and I’ll tell you how successful you will be”. The choices we make in our secret place show up in our public life.

Abundant Life

4. “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.” Jesus Christ (John 10:10)

child laughing” by Blaise Vonlanthen on Unsplash

My choice is life, not destruction. Christianity is about life, not death. Sure we have eternity in our hearts assuring us there is a heaven to gain and a hell to shun. Yet the life we are living now, Christ wants us to live it to the full. This quote defines that evil intents are to steal, kill and destroy. Jesus’ intent is to fill our lives with a richness, a fullness for our enjoyment now. It is hard to understand why any person would choose a destructive lifestyle over one full of life, hope, and joy?

More quotes

I have wet your interest in quotes. Ryan Holiday has an excellent article looking at 21 quotes. His article is a ‘keeper’. He writes, “it will change boys into men”.

Choices Made, Make Us

Thanks for reading,
