My Top 5 Points about driving for Uber or Lyft

If you are considering ridesharing there are great rewards and some pain associated with the experience.

When you install the driver app on your smartphone for Uber, Lyft or some other TNC, (Transportation Network Company) you are in for quite a ride.

There are many things that are true about ridesharing. It could be a long list.

After 2 years and over 2,200 rides, in a small market, I’ve come up with my 5 top points that are true about driving for Uber and Lyft.

Read my list of my top 5 points about driving for Uber and Lyft:

1.  Flexibility with your time. Good job for the retired person. Number one, it gets you out of the house and two, you’re moving instead of sitting still!

2.  Extra income. Sure you will make the dollars, but the need to keep good records of expenses is required.

3.  Meet interesting people. You will discover that the people in your area are more diverse than you had imagined.

4.  Miles on your car. The odometer will spin! Make sure you have good tires and all your lights are working.

5.  Learn more about your city/county then you thought possible. The metro area I drive in is Lancaster County Pennsylvania, anchored by Lancaster city with a population of 60,000. The surrounding suburbs and towns add up to a population of 508,000 souls. This makes it the 101st largest metro areas in the USA. I’m a life-long resident but there are streets and roads I never knew existed till now.

Something else to consider. As a driver for a TNC, you are an independent contractor. That has its pluses and has some minuses. You are responsible for all the expenses of keeping your car clean and in excellent running shape. The latest up-to-date smartphone is almost a necessity. The more detailed mileage records you keep, the better for you at tax time. In an upcoming post, I will enumerate on some other items that will make your ride share business prosper.

The bottom line is this; if you like meeting strangers and driving your car, there is a place for you and it’s right in the seat of your car!

You can sign up to drive for Uber or Lyft in the boxes on the sidebar. I will receive an incentive and you will have an exciting new business of your own!

I always like to leave you with a favorite quote and words from the book of wisdom ~

It is more important to know where you are going than to get there quickly. Do not mistake activity for achievement. – Mabel Newcomer

He who has a slack hand becomes poor, But the hand of the diligent makes rich. Proverbs 10:4

There are more things true about ride sharing, I’d like to share some with you in the future.

Take some time to share a question or comment, I appreciate your comments, questions and suggestions.

I’d appreciate you sharing this post on your social media page. Thanks for doing so.

Wheeling around town


Richard Armstrong


Ever run into a ‘brick wall’ when asked this question; “What will this ride cost me”?

What will this ride cost me?

Have you ever had a rider get in your car after requesting a ride on Uber or Lyft and then ask; “What will this ride cost me?”.

Penn Square, Lancaster, PA

Occasionally I have been asked this question. Maybe you have also. Or sometimes when in a conversation someone will ask about a future ride to an airport, they pose the question; “what will this ride cost me?”. I usually hesitate to answer since I’m not quite sure of the cost. I could “pluck from the air” an answer that I assumed would be within the ballpark of the cost.

But now, there is an answer for the question, “What will this ride cost me?”.

The answer is right on your smartphone on the internet.

This will provide not only estimated cost for Uber, Lyft, and Taxi and other rideshare companies. It gets even better since it also shows not only the cost for the rider but the amount that the ride share driver will be paid! Better, better still, it is FREE!

It is;

Here is a screenshot from of a trip from Lancaster, PA to the BWI Airport.

www.rideguru will give you a very good idea of what you can answer someone when they ask; “What will this ride cost me?”.

You also have a good idea of what money you can expect to earn on this trip. I think this will be a great help in our ridesharing business. When we know what we know it gives us a greater satisfaction in our driving for Uber, Lyft or some other rideshare company. To me, this is can be a real help in my business. I’m sure it will be in your business as well.

Tell me what you think.

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” — Arthur Ashe

I’d like you to sign up to keep my post coming your way. Leave a comment, question or advice. I will read and appreciate what you contribute.

See you; Wheels Around Town.


Wheels Around Town

Stories and insights on Ride Sharing

I like meeting people and like driving. In my wheels around town I meet the most interesting people.

They are nice people just wanting to go to work, go home or going out for dinner.

Whatever the reason, they need a ride and I’m there for them.

On these blog post I’ll share my “wheels around town”  stories and give some Ride Sharing insights on driving for Uber and Lyft.

Are you a Ride Share driver?

Are you a Ride Share rider?

Do you drive for Uber or Lyft?

When you click for a ride is it, Uber or is it, Lyft?

I’ve driven for Uber for almost 2 years. That’s over 2,200 rides. Lyft just came to our town recently so my totals are much lower for Lyft.

I drive in South Central Pennsylvania. Small market, but has become increasingly busy.

I’m Richard Armstrong and so glad to have you on my site.

I have 3 questions for you. I’m really interested in what you have to say.

1.  As a driver, what troubles you the most about driving for Uber or Lyft?

2.  As a rider, what did you appreciate the most about your ride?

3.  Driver and or rider; what prompted you to use either Uber or Lyft?

Please, write your input on any of the questions I’ve asked in the comment section below.

Let’s get the conversation going.

I promise I will read the comments and have some answers in upcoming blog post.

Parting thoughts:

Diligence pays big
The plans of the diligent lead surely to plenty, But those of everyone who is hasty, surely to poverty. (Proverbs 21:5 NKJV)
“It’s simple… go the extra mile and you will stand out from the crowd.” Robin Crow

Thank you,
