How to Start the Day Right Every Morning

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How to Start the Day Right Every Morning

Begin with a good frame of mind

Richard L Armstrong

Mar 9 · 4 min read

It is 6 A.M. You have a choice to make.

What is the first thing you do?

It is time to wake up and face the day. You have appointments, a job to go to and family to take care of, I know, but, before you throw the covers back, speak praise to the Lord.

When we begin our day with praise it fills our day with the ambient music of praise to God. How wonderful is that?

Psalms 34 is a great chapter to read and it begins with praise.

I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises. Psalms 34:1

I’ll get to the idea of praise, but first, I encourage you to read Psalms thirty-four. This chapter is one of my favorites. This chapter contains an astounding package of instructions on how to live an overcoming life.

The shortlist contained in Psalms 34.

  • Guides you on how and when to praise the Lord.
  • The assurance that when you are in need of help, God hears.
  • You will discover, God has placed a guard around you.
  • You will not have a lack in your life.
  • You will read instructions on assuring you of a long and prosperous life.
  • God’s eyes are on you, and His ears are ready to hear your cry.
  • God is in the rescue business.
  • You are not condemned by Him but redeemed.

I’ve discovered praise to God first in the morning will pull back the covers on an astounding day.

First, the secret.

Begin the day with praise on your lips, no request, just an unadulterated word of praise to our mighty God. Yes, pure praise! Do not mix requests with your praise. First words in the morning flowing from your lips are all praise. You will have many opportunities to request God’s help throughout your day. But not now, this is praise time.

Okay, you need some suggestions:

  • Thank you, God, for a good night’s sleep.
  • Lord, You are so good to me.
  • You have blessed me with this beautiful day.
  • I’m forever grateful that Your mercies are new every morning.
  • God, thank you for Your faithfulness to me.
  • I love you, Lord, You are the Rock of my salvation.
  • Oh, Lord, how majestic is Your name to me.

The list could go on praising God. But you get the idea, don’t you?

Nary a request or a plea for help, just thankfulness for who God is to you.

Now, throw back the covers, make the coffee and begin with the rest of your day.

I promise you, you’re day will have a new crispness, the sun will shine brighter, and happy faces will greet you throughout the day.

The end of verse one of Psalms 34 is interesting, the thought of praise all day long. How?

“… I will constantly speak his praises.”

“Praise now is one of the great duties of the redeemed. It will be their employment forever.” — Albert Barnes

But Richard, “I have other things to do and to speak about. I can’t keep muttering praises to God all day.” I hear you, but haven’t you heard of ambient music? It plays in the background. Praises huming along while you go through the day.

It’s background music, we used to call it, doctor-office music. A soothing constant peaceful sound. Praising God first thing in the morning brings focus to your day. It provides a lense magnifying God to you.

When you begin your day with praise it fills your day with the ambient music of praise to God. How wonderful is that?

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The beauty of brevity. It brings focus to what we are saying.

In my examples above you notice the praises are succinct, meaning they are short and to the point of praise and nothing else. I’m not suggesting you go on a long-expression of your thankfulness. No, You can have devotions later. This is eye-opening praise.

Now, you have a choice to make.

What will be your choice tomorrow morning?

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