Looking For Answers

5 Great Responses When You Are Looking For Answers

We have all been there. Lost our job. The marriage went kaput. Best friend(s) left us. What could go wrong, did!

Be careful not to react.

Instead, put structure into a response to the difficult and trying circumstances you face. The Psalmist, King David reminds us not to lose heart but to ‘be of good courage.’

I would have lost heart unless I had believed That I would see the goodness of the Lord In the land of the living. Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord! Psalms 27: 13,14

Over the years of loss, pain, and difficulties I have gained different perspectives on trudging through the muck of despair.

5 Great Responses When You Are Looking For Answers

  1. Refocus capturing a positive attitude by looking at the BIG picture.
  2. Realize what you still have, not what was lost.
  3. Recognize you cannot control the uncontrollable.
  4. Reduce unnecessary stresses by learning to say ‘no.’
  5. Regain and keep your sense of humor.

“You are now at a crossroads. This is your opportunity to make the most important decision you will ever make.

Forget your past.

Who are you now?

Who have you decided to become?

Make this decision consciously.

Make it carefully.

Make it powerfully.” Anthony Robbins

When in this challenging transition time it is good to consider your past HABITS, your previous ATTITUDE, and your past BEHAVIORS.

Here is a question for you.

Did any of the big three; habits, attitude and behaviors plummet you into the difficulty you are experiencing now?

I must make a confession, I don’t get a ‘high five’ on all 5 of these all the time. My wife had to pull the covers off me one morning when I didn’t want to face the day. She said; “Get up, the sun is up and we are going to make it!” Thank the good Lord for a great wife.

Let’s take a look at each one.

  1. When the company I worked at for 22 years closed, I was despondent at first but soon realized my life was not over. Grabbed ahold of my optimism and began my pursuit of other employment.

2. What I had was more significant than my loss. My wife, my children, and my faith carried me through. A HABIT of mine was to stash some cash in uncertain times, so we had a cushion to tide us over troubled waters.

3. No matter how much I grieved the job loss, I could not change it. I had no control over the company’s decision to close. No amount of my complaining would alter this severe loss. But what I did have power over was my ATTITUDE. Instead of a closed fist, I opened my hands to new possibilities.

4. I had many opportunities which I had to say the word, NO. It was a learning curve to go through rejecting ‘not so good opportunities’ for better options. Not good for me to be with negative people, so I opened myself up to two friends who had positive outlooks on life.

Photo by Kyle Ryan on Unsplash

5. A little levity is good for the soul.

My BEHAVIOR in the job loss was happiness over discontentment. Cheerfulness will redeem your day. The Bible instructs us, cheerfulness is like a medicine. Instead of brokenness, bend your spirit to God’s will. He knows the way through your difficulty.

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength. Psalm 17:22

The mantra for my posts is: ‘Choices Made, Make Us.’

You now have the opportunity for change to take place in your life. Whatever difficult circumstance you are experiencing you have a choice. Five options. Which of the five will you work on first? The five choices made ALL the difference in my situation. The five will break the chain of loss and despair, it is up to you to make the decision.

My prayer,

Lord, open eyes and hearts to see the wonderful things You have in store for each reader. Even in the hopeless situations, You have promised to never leave nor forsake us. Encourage this reader to put their trust in Your hands. In Jesus name. Amen

For more insight on my transition click here.

Believing for a better tomorrow,


I Want To Make A Change For The Better

Everything Has Its Time 

To everything, there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1

My blog name, (Domain name), was wheelsaroundtown.com, which was a misnomer. The wheels name was inaccurate since I no longer drive for Uber nor Lyft. 

I Want To Make A Change For The Better

A more accurate Domain name is richard-armstrong.com. So I have deleted the ‘wheels’ name and made the change to richard-armstrong.com. So my posts will take a different path.


The reason for this change.

1. My post articles concern the choices we make in life. Why we choose to make the decisions we make. What affects our choices have on our present situation and the future we will live. Most of my post will have a scripture relevance guiding the decisions we make. As you can see my post has nothing to do with wheels.

2. I have been writing on Medium at;  https://medium.com/@rich_53302

Now Word Press will sync my writings on Medium to this website.  The articles I write on WP will sync with Medium. This has opened a whole new avenue for my words. 

My choice is for the change to be smooth and without error. But we will see.

From this point on you will be directed to richard-armstrong.com for my writings. It continues to be a ‘work in progress’ therefore more changes will be made to my site.

Thank you for signing up to receive my blog posts. If you have any comments or suggestions please reply to me on this webpage. 



The Shocking Workday Calamity

The Shocking Workday Calamity

georgia-de-Lotz – Unsplash

“What Have You Done?”

The shocking workday calamity did not have to happen. These workers had been given the assignment to work in a specific area. Something outside their work area attracted them. Thereupon, the shocking workday calamity hit the downward spiral changing their world forever!

Here it is in Genesis chapter three, verse thirteen:

Then the Lord God asked the woman, “What have you done?” “The serpent deceived me,” she replied. “That’s why I ate it.” (my emphasis)

Working in an unauthorized, off-limits area, they ate the forbidden fruit giving birth to the chaos of sin.

“What have you done?” God asks this question to Eve and Adam.

This examination question is as relevant today as it was at the beginning of time.

The original questions God asked records how sin entered humanity. God’s first question; “where are you?” deals with our emotions. His second question; “who told you?” deals with our reasoning ability. The third question, “What have you done?” points to our will. These three soul issues, which are; our emotions, our intellect, and our will guide us through our day to day routines of life.

The shocking workday calamity happens with disastrous results when we take our eyes off our usual ‘work’ assignments.

These three questions are fundamental to me today. The questions form the basis of my walk with the Lord and interactions I have with family and friends. Where am I?, who am I listening to?, and what am I doing?

Three simple questions.

The simple, straight-forward questions are the hardest to answer.

So, what should I do to answer these questions?

  • Repent to God of my sin and ask forgiveness of my family and friends for wrongs done to them.
  • Respect the boundaries God has positioned for me to live my life.
  • Reach for new opportunities to grow in knowledge and wisdom.

Realizing what you have done in your past, what will you do to change your tomorrows? It is in the power of your will.

“Technique and ability alone do not get you to the top—it is the willpower to that, is the most important. This will power rises from your heart.” – Junko Tabei (First woman on Mt. Everest)

God stands before you, asking what you have done? It is not a question of condemnation but opportunity. Today is the day for a new direction in your life. The right to acknowledge your missteps and chart a different course. You can make the changes necessary; I know you can because you are a good person.

Gabriel-Sanchez –                  Unsplash

Believe me: The sun will rise again and you will follow a new path. 

Please leave a comment, I read and respond to all comments. Freely share with others on your social media pages.

Thank you,




The Listening Tragedy

The Listening Tragedy

Photo by Malte Wingen on Unsplash

The listening tragedy describes the catastrophe at the beginning of time. It was a total disaster, a misstep of epic proportions in the history of humanity. It happened because people listened to the wrong voice.

The second of God’s first recorded questions in Genesis.

Here it is in Genesis chapter three, verse eleven: “And He, [God] said, ‘who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you should not eat?’ (NKJV) (My emphasis)

The listening tragedy happened when people lent their ears to listen to the wrong voice.

This question, “Who told you” is relevant in our modern society as it was at the beginning of time.

The original question God asked records how sin entered humanity. God’s first question; “where are you?” deals with our emotions. His second question; “who told you?” deals with our reasoning ability. We still deal with these two soul issues today.

Mohammad-metri – Unsplash

How do we avoid the staggering outcome of the listening tragedy happening in our lives today? 

Confusion rules our lives when we listen to the wrong people giving unsound advice.    

Facebook and Youtube confirm our listening addiction.

Listening, yes a listening avalanche is engulfing us! Over one hundred hours of video are watched on FaceBook every day. On YouTube people watch five times what is on Facebook! No wonder we are not listening to each other. Check out this infographic here

There is a lot to hear, most is just ‘noise,’ so choosing what we listen to is of utmost importance.

So, how do we control this addiction? Adverting the listening tragedy from happening in my life, I’ve practiced these three steps. First my disclaimer; I have not always been successful adhering to these three.

  1. Getting rid of the noise must be an intentional pursuit.
  2. Keep conversations within the limits of my spiritual perspective.

Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23 NKJV

3.  Practice solitude. My reasoning mind covets silence to cleanse the soul.

A wise man will hear and increase learning, And a man of understanding will attain wise counsel… Proverbs 1:5 NKJV

“It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.” Roy Disney

  • So, who has your listening ear?
  • Are you concerned enough to avoid the listening tragedy?
  • Who are you listening to when considering decisions you need to make?

God’s question; “who told you” is a simple question with profound implications when considering the choices we make.

I’d like to hear your comments on this blog post. Please consider posting this on your media pages. Ask your friends to subscribe to wheelsaroundtown. Click here to send your invite to a friend.

Answer this question honestly

I’ve often thought about this one question.

I need to answer this question honestly. My answers to this inquiry have helped to guide my life. When I take time to ponder this question seriously, the answers I come up with keep me on track to living a fulfilled life.

So, what is the question?

I’ll take you back to the beginning of time in the Bible to find this question.
Here it is in Genesis chapter three and verse nine. “Then the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” (NLT)

“Where are you?” is the first recorded question God asked humankind.

It indeed was not a geographical inquiry by God.

The issue was soul-searching.
People do stupid things when they do not know where they are at in the present moment. When God appeared in the garden, Adam and Eve hid behind a tree. Hence the ‘tree hugger’ movement had begun! They were avoiding the question God had asked. When we answer this question honestly, we spy our actual reality of where we are at this moment in time.

Three choices.

It is surprising to me that many people continue to go on their merry way disregarding their reality.
People choose one of three ways when this question is asked of them; “where are you? Many do not answer this question honestly. In fact, some don’t even give an answer. Instead, people do this:
1. Ignore the issue by getting busy doing trivial things. Such as hiding behind trees.
2. Object to the person for asking such a personal question. They choose to shoot the messenger rather than considering the message.
3. The wise ones ponder the reality as it is at this time in their life. Honestly forming a soul-searching response to the ‘where are you’ which leads to fulfillment.

God spoke the question at the beginning of time, it still resonates down through the centuries to this very day; “where are you?”

luke-Ellis-craven – Unsplash

To answer this question honestly, I need to take a reality checkup.

1. Spiritually is my experience on right standing with God?

2. Are my relationships with other people thriving and positive?

3. Am I using my resources wisely?

Summing this up; where am I at spiritually, physically, financially, socially and morally?

“The word ‘question’ originates from the Latin root, quaestio, which means ‘to seek.’ Inside the word, ‘question’ is the word ‘quest,’ suggesting that within every question is an adventure, a pursuit which can lead us to hidden treasure.” – Tom Wujec

So, God stands before you today; He poses the question; “Where are you? Will you ignore, object, or ponder this inquiry He raises? Or, are you still ‘hiding behind trees?

“Everyone who got where he is has had to begin where he was.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

The second aspect of this first question God asked is incredible! Think about it for a moment. God comes to humanity; His reach is toward us. God approaching us sets the whole narrative of the Bible apart from other religions.

Answer this question honestly, and you live a more abundant life.

I’d like to see your comments. Give your insight on this post. Did it cause you to think, where you are today? Did I miss something? Let me know. Use the comment box to write your notes. If you deem this post worthy of reading, please post it on your social pages.
Thank you,
Richard Armstrong

Woods picture by Valerity Andrnshko – Unsplash

For better family conversations, do this

For better family conversations, do this even though siblings are not all on the same page. Get the family together for breakfast! 

Family breakfasts are one way, not the only way of how to have better family conversations.

Being on the same page is not the point, family ties matter more. 

For better family conversations the Armstrong’s took this approach.

Read on.

What makes excellent family time possible? Sibling synergy is helpful for this to happen. Here is my definition. It is the combined effort of two or more of us to produce something more significant in relationships than anyone of us could accomplish alone.

The back story of Armstrong’s monthly breakfast.

In 1989 my father died. The house got sold, and we seven siblings had no point of reference to assemble as a family. Our mother had passed away in 1965.

My father’s passing, although expected was a sad day for my family. In the sadness of that time, my brother, Joe proposed a tradition that would hold our family together. Joe, said since we have lost our central meeting place lets begin meeting on the first Saturday of each month for breakfast at a local restaurant. My brother, Joe and his wife recently moved to a retirement community in MA and is no longer able to meet with us here in Lancaster County, PA. But our family owes a debt of gratitude to Joe for putting our family on the correct path 30 years ago, thank you, brother Joe.

One of my favorite quotes from President Ronald Reagan.

“The family has always been the cornerstone of American society. Our families nurture, preserve, and pass on to each succeeding generation the values we share and cherish, values that are the foundation for our freedoms. In the family, we learn our first lessons of God and man, love and discipline, rights and responsibilities, human dignity and human frailty.”

Here it is, for better family conversations, do this – Having our breakfasts together is making better family conversations possible.

Continue reading; make no mistake, since we are not the perfect family, yet here is what we are doing. For better family conversations, do this, and ‘this is‘ what we are doing.

Since 1989 we have had breakfast together as a family, only missing one or two Saturdays due to weather conditions. At first, all seven of us and our spouses met, later joined by nephews, nieces and other family members. Over these years 3 of our brothers have passed away. We were together through the grieving times.

Good breakfast food and lots of talk around the table opens doors for fulfilling conversation.

Particular family time has built a cohesiveness to our family. Family time together does not mean we all agree on things, spiritually, politically, or how each of us raised our families. It has been an unspoken rule; we have never discussed the disappointments, misfortunes or miss-steps each family has experienced.
Most, if not all of us are born again Christians which points us in a positive, life-giving direction in discussions.

The Armstrong Breakfast

How to have better family conversations, do this.

Organizing a monthly breakfast might be difficult, but I assure you, the effort will be worth it. Let’s get together for breakfast. Eating together spurs good conversations, always has and always will.

As Nike says, ‘Just do it!’

Every first Saturday is a ‘hallmark day’ for us as a family. It continues to be a significant time bonding us together.

“God places the lonely in families; he sets the prisoners free and gives them joy. But he makes the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.” Psalms 68:6

For more insight on this read my post, ‘Do we ever get to go home again’ here

Why not start a tradition in your family. If your family is scattered around the globe, be creative, find a way to stay connected with your siblings.

What keeps your family connected?

Just think about this; our lives pass too soon, so family ties do matter.

I’d love to receive your comments, questions or insights you have on this post. Please comment in the comment box provided.

I’d appreciate you passing this post on to others in your groups or on your social media pages.

Thank you,

Richard Armstrong