4 Favorite Quotes To Make Your Day Better.


We desire the world to change for the better but not everyone is willing to change themselves. Quotes help us make the change with bite-sized phrases.

Quotes distill the wisdom of writers and speakers and yes, thinkers. Quotes open our minds to think deeply about what is being said or written. Quotes though brief kick the brain into overdrive. They ruffle the feathers of our belief system. I’m a collector of quotes. I have 4 listed below; each has given me pause to consider what the person had on his/her mind when spoken.

The 4

The Drift

1. “No one drifts towards holiness.” Pastor David Jeremiah

I heard Pastor Jeremiah say this phase in a sermon. I do not remember the sermon but this one phase made an indelible mark on my conscience. To be righteous we must pursue with conviction what is right with intentionality. Okay, you are not religious so you think this quote does not apply to you. Suppose I substitute instead of ‘holiness’ these words, financial security, a great marriage. Or how about, building solid friendships? You get the picture, drifting never draws us closer to what we desire to have. When you desire to become a better person. Desire greater financial assets. Build a loving marriage relationship and great friendships a change must take place. This will mean for you to STOP THE DRIFT. Infusing your lifestyle with a vigorous pursuit of intentionality toward your goal.

Living In A Wonderful World

2. “The more you express gratitude for what you have the more you will have to express gratitude for.“ — Zig Ziglar

Those of us living in the United States of America and Western Europe, have greater freedom than many people living today. We have more physical assets. Most of us have bigger incomes, more food, and entertainment options of those living in less prospering nations.

Begin the day by expressing gratitude for what you do have, this will breathe wellness into your soul.

Thankfulness does invigorate our minds. It wakes hope in us and instills a sense of goodness into our day.

You will find yourself smiling more as you go through the day and your smile will draw people to you. Louis Armstrong sang it best in this song, What A Wonderful World.

Put some of these song lyrics to the test and see how much better your day will become. Nurture your attitude of gratitude today.

Its Our Choice

3. “There is a choice you have to make in everything you do. So keep in mind that in the end, the choice you make makes you.”- John Wooden

I cannot emphasize this mantra for my blog post enough; ‘Choices Made, Make Us”. The quote by John Wooden opened my understanding of how my choices affects my life going forward. We are the sum total of our choices which we make over time. The small choices set the course for our later life. I heard a speaker say; “show me how you spend your evenings. Open your checkbook register and I’ll tell you how successful you will be”. The choices we make in our secret place show up in our public life.

Abundant Life

4. “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.” Jesus Christ (John 10:10)

child laughing” by Blaise Vonlanthen on Unsplash

My choice is life, not destruction. Christianity is about life, not death. Sure we have eternity in our hearts assuring us there is a heaven to gain and a hell to shun. Yet the life we are living now, Christ wants us to live it to the full. This quote defines that evil intents are to steal, kill and destroy. Jesus’ intent is to fill our lives with a richness, a fullness for our enjoyment now. It is hard to understand why any person would choose a destructive lifestyle over one full of life, hope, and joy?

More quotes

I have wet your interest in quotes. Ryan Holiday has an excellent article looking at 21 quotes. His article is a ‘keeper’. He writes, “it will change boys into men”.

Choices Made, Make Us

Thanks for reading,


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